Photographs of some of our many ministries at Christ Church. Click on any of these images to enlarge them.

Lucy Tomberlin, the chair of the Altar Guild.
The Rt. Rev. Frank Logue, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia, confirms a member of Christ Church during his annual visitation.

Deacon Nancy Sartin reads the Gospel during a worship service.

The Diocese of Georgia’s Happening staff members led by Christ Church teenager Maddie Yarbrough after a commissioning service in Valdosta.

Fr. Weidman administers Ashes-to-Go on Ash Wednesday in the church parking lot.

Two members of our audio/visual crew livestreaming a worship service.

Happy Episcopal People’s luncheon at the home of the Rev. Marcia & John McRae

A confirmation class for candidates and their sponsors.

Working on a Habitat for Humanity house construction project.

An adult education class in the Parish Hall.

The Men In Blue cooking team.

Nursery and attendants.

Some of our acolytes with our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Frank Logue.

Stitchers of Love meeting in the parish hall.

Blessing pets on the Feast of St. Francis.

Making sandwiches in the Lunch Bunch ministry.

Maintenance work in our Camellia Garden.

Vacation Bible School

Christ Episcopal Church Ministries Guide

Updated February 26, 2024

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. – 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

To learn more about any of these ministries, please contact the church office (229-242-5115) or

Ways to Connect and Serve at Christ Church


Christian Formation: we endeavor to make sure that strong Christian formation is a focal point in all the activities of Christ Church, e.g., Sunday School, EYC, Vacation Bible School, EfM, Bible Study groups, book studies, Cursillo, and “fourth day” groups.  Christian formation encourages participation in Evening Prayer, Morning Prayer, and Vespers.  This ministry also helps plan and design for the ministry fair held in September. The Vestry is in charge.

Cursillo, Ultreya and Reunion Groups: To lead lay persons in a closer walk with Christ Time: Cursillo: one weekend, once a year Ultreya: 4 hours, twice a year Reunion Groups: 1 hour, weekly Age: Adult.


Eucharistic Visitors: To deliver communion to shut-ins and hospital patients Time: On a four-week rotation Age: Adult. Skills: Love of people, Commitment.

Flowers: To deliver Sunday service flowers to shut-ins.

Garden Guild: This group focuses on the beautification of the church grounds. The Garden Guild meets each Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and each Wednesday 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. New members are welcome. Bring gloves and tools.

St. Francis Animals: To provide assistance in fundraising for animals in crisis. Contact: Eleanor Parten, 229-834-4672.

Shepherds: To mentor a younger person or another adult going through the Confirmation or Reception classes. Time: Three months prior to Bishop’s Visitation. Age: Adult. Skills: Knowledge of the Episcopal tradition and willingness to be a mentor.

Stitchers of Love: To create needlework for individuals in need of a tangible reminder of God’s love. Most items are knitted or crocheted but other types of needlework are also welcome. Time: Meets 4 – 6 p.m. on 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month. Skills: Willingness; lessons available.

United Thank Offering: To assist with the ingathering of UTO blue boxes for loose change which provides funding for projects that meet compelling human needs and expand the mission and ministry of the church.


Acolytes: To serve at the altar at Sunday services and other services as requested. Teams are scheduled on rotation. Time: On a six-week rotation. Age: Completed 3rd grade and older.

Altar Guild: To serve on teams to prepare church and altar for services; clean and maintain serving pieces; arrange flowers Time: On a five-week rotation. Age: Adults. Skills: Be dependable, follow instructions.

Audio/Visual: To livestream worship services on Facebook and YouTube and to control the sound within the building. Time: Two hours each service. Age: Teenagers and Adults. Skills: Ability to follow written instructions, dependability.

Choir: To provide service music and a joyful noise Time: Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. practice & Sundays as scheduled. Skills: Musical ability/interest.

Lay Readers: To read scripture at services. Time: As scheduled, approximately once a month….. Age: High School and up. Skills: Clear speaking voice.

Licensed Eucharistic: To assist in serving communion at all services. Time: On a five-week rotation. Age: 16 years or older. Skills: Commitment.

Ushers: To welcome visitors, provide structure for movement of parishioners for all services; greet, distribute bulletins, and Quiet Books; and direct traffic flow for communion. Time: Once a month. Age: High school and older. Skills: Friendly, helpful.


Foyer Groups: To encourage Christian community. Time: As scheduled. Age: Adult.

Happy Episcopal People (HEP) Hosts: To encourage Christian community. Time: Occasionally throughout the year. Noon and evening options.  Age: Adult.

Hospitality Committee/Coffee Hour Hosts: To coordinate refreshments for special events in the church’s life. Time: As needed; ordinarily less than once a month. Age: Adults. Skills: Hospitality.

Manna: To provide a meal for a family in event of illness, birth, or death. Time: Time to prepare or purchase and deliver a meal. Age: Adult. Skills: Cooking and/or willingness to buy a meal, dependability.

Men in Blue: To prepare food for special events. Time: A few hours per session as needed. Age: High School and up. Skills: Willingness to have fun and cook on the grill.


Lunch Bunch: To feed children in our community. Time: Two Saturdays a month. Age: 16 years or older. Skills: Commitment.

PRAYER: Daughters of the King: To pray daily and other services as directed by the Rector. Time: Daily prayer. Age: Over 21. Skills: Commitment.


Christ Episcopal Church College (Grace Cafe):: Supporting our College Ministry in various ways, as needed. Time: Occasionally throughout the school year. Skill: A heart for college students.

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) EYC is our youth program for 6th-12th graders, and provides community and discipleship. Ministry: Volunteers may teach Sunday School; lead a small group; chaperone mission trips; provide food for events. Time: Various. Age: 6th-12th grades; volunteers. Skills: Love of youth, teaching, ability to travel.

Nursery: To watch children ages Infants to 6-years old during church services to assist paid staff and when paid staff are unavailable. Time: 2 hours on Sunday morning. Age: High School and up. Skills: Love and patience with children.

Parents’ Morning Out: A non-profit within Christ Church to provide temporary daycare for children while parents run errands (volunteers not needed). Time: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 noon. Age: 6-months old to 2-years old.

Preschool: A non-profit within Christ Church to provide preschool experience for children (volunteers not needed). Time: August – May, 9 a.m. – 12 noon. Ages: 2 through 4-years olds.

Vacation Bible School: To share God’s word with children in the summer. Time: Four days a year plus pre-planning days and clean up. Ages: All (Teachers and Helpers: high school and up). Skills: Love of children, teaching, cooking, athletics, arts & crafts.

Cooperative Ministries with Other Organizations:

Habitat for Humanity: To work with other organizations and churches to eliminate substandard housing and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. This ecumenical group encourages volunteers from all walks to build houses in partnership with needy families.

The Haven: To work with the professional staff at the shelter for abused women and children donating time, talent and treasure as needed. Time: As needed. . Website:

Hungry at Home and Jammin’ for Jesus: To work with the school systems to provide food for children and seniors who are hungry at home by packing backpacks one day-a-week. Time: One hour, one day-a-week during the school year.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Valdosta: To combat hunger by providing food to non-profit agencies in the area. Time: Volunteers needed for various amounts of time.

Vestry Ministry Chairs
Administration – 2024 Senior Warden, Molly Stevenson
Altar Guild – Lucy Tomberlin
Acolyte, EMs & Lectors – Nancy Lutsko
Adult Formation, DOK, Music & Worship – Molly Stevenson
Building & Grounds – 2024 Junior Warden, Steve Honeycutt
Choir – Sue Ellen Rumstay
Christian Formation – Patricia Tyson
College Ministry – Jeri-Lyn Flowers
Discipleship & Evangelism – Dottie Pitts
Finance – Brad Burnette
Foyer Groups, Parish Life & Stewardship, Endowment – Jeani Synyard
Habitat for Humanity, Men in Blue, Outreach & Parish Life – Mike Tanner
Hospitality – Pat Denmark
Jamming for Jesus – Stella Clark
Lunch Bunch – David Sandbach
Media & Communication – Larry Wisenbaker
Newcomers – Martin Holland
Pastoral Care – 2024 Vestry Secretary Phyllis Holland
Stitchers of Love – The. Rev. Dcn. Patricia Marks, Julia Ariail
Ushers – Bobby Yarbrough
Vespers – Phyllis Hiers

Our Vision

To receive God’s grace in Jesus Christ, and share this grace with one another and the world.


Click a date below for a copy of our newsletter, The Friday Vineyard, distributed by email.

June 28, 2024
June 21, 2024
June 14, 2024
June 7, 2024
May 31, 2024
May 24, 2024
May 17, 2024
May 10, 2024
May 3, 2024
April 26, 2024

Worship Bulletins

Click a date below for a copy of The Sunday Bulletin, printed for distribution at worship services.

June 30, 2024 10 a.m.
June 23, 2024 10 a.m.
June 16, 2024 10 a.m.
June 9, 2024 10 a.m.
June 2, 2024 10 a.m.
May 26, 2024 10 a.m.
May 19, 2024 10 a.m.
May 12, 2024 10 a.m.