Need a Ride to a Search Forum?

Need a ride? If you would like to attend one of the forums, but do not drive at night, please call Kim at the church office (229 242-5115) with your name, telephone number, address and the date of the forum you wish to attend. We would like to have this information by...

St. Francis Ministry Cooking on Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl 2013 is right around the corner and once again our St. Francis Ministry for Animals will be grilling pork ribs, pork tenderloins and chicken. February 3rd is approaching soon, so go ahead and place your order(s) on the sign-up sheets in the Parish Hall or...

Search Update: Change in Schedule of Meetings

The schedule of the self-study and assessment forums has been changed. There will now be only two meetings: the first on Thursday, January 31; and the second on Tuesday, February 5. Both meetings will start at 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall. The message below is from...

Third Sunday Lunches Are On Again!

The Third Sunday Agape Lunch is being resurrected…. Bobbie Warren, Danny Mansukhani and Gene & Sandra Seago have volunteered to coordinate the Agape Lunch. It will be held for the next three months on the third Sunday, following the 11:30 service. On...