The church’s website is back in full operation again. Due to technical problems at our host computer site in Orlando that started this past Monday and lasted until noon today, our website was either totally down or partially online with some outdated pages. However, those problems were cleared up today, and we’re fully online once again. The web sexton team members appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked with the host company staff to resolve this problem.
Our Vision
To receive God’s grace in Jesus Christ, and share this grace with one another and the world.
Friday Vineyard
Click the link below for issues of the Friday Vineyard, our weekly newsletter.Friday Vineyard
To subscribe to the Friday Vineyard and other messages from Christ Church by email, click here.
Sunday Bulletins
Click the link below for issues of the Sunday Bulletin, a guide to the liturgy of a worship service that also contains news updates for the congregation.Sunday Bulletins