The Rev. Canon Laura “Joye” Q. Cantrell has accepted the vestry’s call to become our interim rector, effective September 4, 2012. She comes to us from Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Columbia, SC, where she served on the Cathedral staff from February 2006 until July 1 of this year.
Ordained to the sacred priesthood in January, 1993, Canon Cantrell has served churches in Stafford, NY; Abbeville, SC; Greenville, SC; and Clinton, SC. Before joining the staff at Trinity Cathedral, she was rector of All Saints’ Church in Clinton from January 2000 to February 2006.
At Trinity Cathedral, Canon Cantrell provided outreach and service, pastoral care, preaching and teaching.
“I helped lead a vibrant congregation of over 4000 by leading worship, performing Eucharist, preaching, teaching and providing counsel and pastoral care,” she said. “I was in charge of outreach and adult education and have successfully administered extensive budgets, increased participation and developed new initiatives ranging from building a school in Haiti, founding an outreach mission fair, partnering with schools and leading innovative seminars on topics such as immigration.”
She considers worship to be a central tenet of our faith which holds communities together and defines the church.
“I am committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming worship experience of preaching, music and sacrament that reflects the values and traditions of the congregation, the community and the Episcopal Church. Each service is well planned, executed with great care and carefully evaluated when finished. By worship and parish hospitality, I hope to enable Christians to live life in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and to take that love of Christ into the world.”
Canon Cantrell received her bachelor’s degree in history and political science from Converse (SC) College in 1971, the master of library science from the University of South Carolina in 1973 and the master of divinity from Bexley Hall, Columbus, Ohio in 1992.
Earlier this year, she completed coursework in interim ministry.
Canon Cantrell plans to arrive Labor Day week. She will live in the rectory.
Steve Roberts, Senior Warden