For some years it has been the custom of this parish to have a Thanksgiving Day parish lunch. It has been a custom that has grown with each passing year.
We need a person to head this up for 2013 if it is to take place. This dinner has allowed people who would otherwise be home alone to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with church family. For coordination purposes, some one person has to be the point of contact. On Wednesday night, November 27th, we will have the usual Wednesday night Eucharist and sing appropriate Thanksgiving songs. There will not be a Eucharist on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th.
Thanksgiving, though it has religious overtones, is not a religious holiday. It is a holiday on which many clergy families leave town to visit their families who live in other places since clergy families cannot get away at Christmas. Very few Episcopal churches have a service on Thanksgiving Day. Most do some sort of community wide service the weekend before.
The Rev. Joye Cantrell
Interim Rector