Click here for our Ministries Page at Christ Church. To learn more or get involved in any of the teams below, contact the church office, 229-242-5115.
Adult Christian Formation
The Adult Christian Formation Team develops programming for Sunday Adult Forums and for small group opportunities for adults.
The Communications Team works closely with the church staff nd other teams to plan and lead communications to the Christ Church parish family and to the community surrounding us, helping parishioners participate in sharing our story and inviting the community to participate.
Congregational Development
The goal of the Congregational Development Team is to extend to others the opportunity to experience the joy and blessing of having Christ Church as their place of worship, study, outreach and fellowship. The team plans and implements the three phases of congregational development: Invite, Welcome, Connect.
Finance – Stewardship
The Finance and Stewardship Team develops and oversees the church budget, coordinates and plans annual Stewardship Drive.
Live-streaming Team
The Live-streaming team prepares the equipment prior to streaming of the 10:00 worship service, coordinates the audio and video streams, technology, and handles any issues that may arise, posts simultaneously on Facebook and YouTube. Provides the Communication director with the links so an email can be sent to members of the congregation that are unable to participate in our in-person worship prior to the start of the 10:00 service.
Parish Life
The Parish Life Team welcomes newcomers into our parish family and helps to build and sustain a grace-filled, loving and caring community by providing events that incorporate the meeting of new friends while generating opportunities to strengthen existing parish friendships. Everyone is invited to participate! The team organizes Coffee Hour after the 10:00 service, and Hospitality during special events.
The Memorials Team meets throughout the year to oversee and allocate the funds donated to Christ Church in memory of loved ones and friends. Team members are appointed by the Rector and includes at least one Vestry Member.
The Outreach Team provides assistance to those in need, in our community and beyond, and offers Christ Church parishioners opportunities to give of their time, talents and treasures in service to others.
Pastoral Care
The Work of the Pastoral Care Team is a shared ministry with the clergy, staff, and LEV ministers, providing pastoral care to parishioners and newcomers. The team assists with providing home communion to the sick and shut-ins; visiting those in the hospital and supporting those who are ill with visits and meals; providing pastoral support in times of crisis through visits, calls and notes; promoting the total health of the congregation.
The Altar Guild assists the rector with all services, cares for the church linens, communion vessels and set-up and tear down of the Altar before and after each service, during special events and funerals. The Altar Guild is made up of 5 teams that rotate Sundays serving throughout the year. Flower Guild assists with arrangement of Altar Flowers, and producing smaller arrangements to be taken to the sick, shut-ins, or nursing homes.
Youth & Children – EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
These teams work in conjunction with the rector and staff to develop programs, fellowship, and opportunities to serve the greater community.