Daily Word of Grace # 176 (November 17, 2020)

An episode of ESPN’s fascinating documentary series 30 for 30—“Brian and the Boz”—focused on the life and career of Brian Bosworth, aka “The Boz,” a superstar college linebacker who played for the Oklahoma Sooners in the 1980’s.  In high school, although externally Brian came across as an arrogant standout football player, internally this was not the case: “When I was in high school I had some serious doubt issues as to my ability as a football player and I played scared.”  The reason Brian Bosworth “played scared” was the lack of approval given by his father.  Brian goes on to say, “When it came to sports it was never good enough, I didn’t play well enough.”  Brian’s sister concurred, “He’d get done with a practice or a game and there was just a harpooning at the end of that as to everything that could have/should have been done differently.”  Near the end of the documentary Brian and his son are flipping through a scrapbook of his acclaimed football career, and Brian says, “There’s more to life than paper clippings and accolades and rewards”—and then as he closes it, he concludes, “let’s put this stuff away.”  When it comes to your Heavenly Father scripture says this: “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are” (1 John 3:1).  God’s love transcends any doubts about yourself you may have as well as anything in your life you could have or should have done differently…and  God’s love means you never have to play scared.

Love and Prayers,
