Daily Word of Grace April 9, 2021

Daily Word of Grace # 216 (April 9, 2021) In his 1994 book Abba’s Child the late Brennan Manning recounts a story about an elderly man who was dying of cancer and had always struggled with prayer.  Prayer just never “clicked” for him…until he heeded the advice of a...

Daily Word of Grace April 8, 2021

Daily Word of Grace # 215 (April 8, 2021) One of the best known songs by the famous and prolific gospel song duo Bill and Gloria Gaither is “Because He Lives”, which powerfully reminds us of the many ways Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope—“How sweet to hold a newborn...

Daily Word of Grace April 7, 2021

Daily Word of Grace # 214 (April 7, 2021) One of the catchiest songs on the Beatles’ 1967 album Magical Mystery Tour is “Hello, Goodbye” with these childishly simple lyrics by Paul McCartney: “You say goodbye and I say hello—hello, hello—I don’t know why you say...

Daily Word of Grace April 6, 2021

Daily Word of Grace # 213 (April 6, 2021) One of my favorite hymns is this effusive Easter masterpiece by the brilliant eighteenth century hymnist Charles Wesley (1707-1788): “Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! our triumphal holy day, Alleluia! who did once upon...

Daily Word of Grace April 5, 2021

Daily Word of Grace # 212 (April 5, 2021) The Lord is Risen!  The Lord is risen indeed—Hallelujah!  One of the collects for Easter in The Book of Common Prayer reads—“Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the...

Daily Word of Grace (January 6, 2021)

Daily Word of Grace # 211 (January 6, 2021) On the church calendar January 6 is not only the twelfth and last day of Christmas, but also Epiphany, when we commemorate Jesus Christ being manifested to the Gentiles.  On Epiphany we are reminded that Jesus is the Savior...

Daily Word of Grace (January 5, 2021)

Daily Word of Grace # 210 (January 5, 2021) In the fall of 2005 I saw Coldplay live in concert in Northern Virginia.  One of the many anthemic songs they played that night was a ballad of hope, a song called “Fix You” that was written by the whole band.  It begins...

Daily Word of Grace (January 4, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 209 (January 4, 2021) A particularly beautiful and powerful collect in The Book of Common Prayer is “A Collect for the Renewal of Life”—“O God, the King eternal, whose light divides the day from the night and turns the shadow of death into the...

Daily Word of Grace (January 1, 2021)

Daily Word of Grace # 208 (January 1, 2021) At the beginning of each year many people make New Year’s resolutions.  Maybe you have made such New Year’s resolutions for yourself…“This year I am going to lose weight (and keep it off)…This year I am going to exercise...