by ccvadmin | Aug 26, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 117 (August 26, 2020) In his 2016 book The Name of God is Mercy Pope Francis described God’s mercy this way: “Etymologically, ‘mercy’ derives from misericordis, which means opening one’s heart to wretchedness. And immediately we go to the Lord:...
by ccvadmin | Aug 25, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 116 (August 25, 2020) Many people have tattoos. Often these tattoos have a story. While some tattoos may simply be the result of making a rash decision while inebriated, many have a deeper significance or a story behind them. It may be a...
by ccvadmin | Aug 24, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 115 (August 24, 2020) Many years ago my family and I moved from Wyoming to South Carolina. Steph and our young children flew east and I drove all our possessions in a Ryder truck, towing our 1989 Honda Accord. As I drove east across Kansas on...
by ccvadmin | Aug 21, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 114 (August 21, 2020) In 1975 the classic rock band Pink Floyd recorded their gem Wish You Were Here at Abbey Road Studios in London (yes, the same Abbey Road featured on the iconic cover of the Beatles 1969 album). The title track of Wish You...
by ccvadmin | Aug 20, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 113 (August 20, 2020) During my childhood summers the kids in our neighborhood loved to stay outside late to play Hide and Seek. Some were so good at hiding they never seemed to get caught. Others always hid in the same place and could not run...
by ccvadmin | Aug 19, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 112 (August 19, 2020) One of Shakespeare’s often overlooked plays is Cymbeline, a play written late in the Bard’s career. King Cymbeline served as vassal king of ancient Britain for the Roman Empire during the first century. The play is filled...
by ccvadmin | Aug 18, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 111 (August 18, 2020) Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was a poet, professor, civil rights activist, and devout Christian. One of her most famous quotes is this one, which she posted on her Facebook page in 2013: “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps...
by ccvadmin | Aug 18, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 110 (August 17, 2020) One of my favorite aspects of baseball is that there is no clock, and therefore no “clock management.” The game begins when the umpire declares, “Play ball” and ends when either a team scores the winning run or makes the...
by ccvadmin | Aug 14, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 109 (August 14, 2020) In his classic short story collection Dubliners James Joyce includes a series of stories that begin with childhood and adolescence, proceed through young adulthood and middle age, and end with old age and death. In the...
by ccvadmin | Aug 13, 2020 | News
Daily Word of Grace # 108 (August 13, 2020) Doubtless one of the greatest figures in the entire Bible is Moses, through whom God rescued the Israelites from four hundred years of bondage in Egypt. After the exodus Moses remained Israel’s leader in the wilderness for...