Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) now has its own page on the church’s website, here: http://www.christchurchvaldosta.org/?page_id=4138. All three EYC groups will meet tonight.

Preschool Openings in All Classes

Christ Episcopal Church is proud to announce the opening of our new Education Building and we are now accepting application for our Preschool program. We are accepting applications for students in our 2 year old, 3 year old and 4 year old classes. For more...

Sunday School Kickoff August 5

Children’s Sunday School Sunday School kickoff festivities at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 5. Children can meet their teachers, check out their classroom in the new Gabard Christian Education Building, and “build” their very own cupcake while wearing a...

August 2012 Vineyard Posted Online

The full-color version of the August 2012 issue of The Vineyard is now available at this link: http://www.christchurchvaldosta.org/vineyard/vineyard-2012-08.pdf New or updated online photograph albums associated with this issue are listed below:...

Furnishings for the Gabard Education Building

Funds pledged for the construction of the new Gabard Education Building were not sufficient to complete the furnishings for all of the interior rooms and the outside playground. Donations are welcome to fund the remaining spaces. A brochure that outlines the furniture...

Interview Rector Candidate on July 24th

The Rev. Robert Nichols, one of the three candidates for the position of Interim Rector, will be in Valdosta from July 23-25.  Beginning at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24, he will meet in the parish hall with members of the vestry plus any other members of the...

Resumes of Three Candidates for Interim Rector Posted

The resumes of three candidates for the position of Interim Rector at Christ Church have been posted online and are available at the links below. An Interim Rector will serve for a period between 12 and 18 months following Fr. Ingeman’s retirement, allowing us...