Daily Word of Grace (December 31, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 207 (December 31, 2020) As you reflect on the past year what stands out to you?  What happened this past year that changed your life—positively or negatively?  What were some of the high points or milestones of this past year?  What were some of...

Daily Word of Grace (December 30, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 206 (December 30, 2020) In his brilliant 1960 book The Four Loves the incomparable C. S. Lewis describes in detail four different Greek words for love: storge (affection), philia (friendship), eros (romantic love), and agape (charity).  The Greek...

Daily Word of Grace (December 29, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 205 (December 29, 2020) In his poem “Michael: A Pastoral Poem” the English Romantic poet William Wordsworth (1770-1850) wrote, “There is a comfort in the strength of love; ‘Twill make a thing endurable, which else would overset the brain, or...

Daily Word of Grace (December 28, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 204 (December 28, 2020) One of the most important events of the entire Bible was the Lord’s call to Abram, whose name the Lord later changed to Abraham.  He was wealthy, established, elderly and secure.  And yet the Lord still called him, “Now...

Daily Word of Grace (December 24, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 203 (December 24, 2020) One of the most powerful, high octane gospel Christmas hymns is “O Holy Night”, the mid-nineteenth century masterpiece by Adolphe Adam and Placide Cappeau.  You know these lyrics: “Oh holy night.  The stars are brightly...

Daily Word of Grace (December 23, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 202 (December 23, 2020) Have you ever noticed that you are given the best Christmas gifts from those who know you the best and love you the most?  Those who really know you and really love you tend to give you gifts that mean the most to you,...

Daily Word of Grace (December 22, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 201 (December 22, 2020) When it comes to his Christmas stories, Charles Dickens is best known for his 1843 masterpiece novella A Christmas Carol, and rightly so.  But in 1851 he published his brief and beautiful reflection What Christmas Is as We...

Daily Word of Grace (December 21, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 200 (December 21, 2020) One of the lesser known works of H. G. Wells (1866-1946) “the father of science fiction” is his 1910 novel The Sleeper Wakes.  In this novel a Londoner named Graham sleeps for two centuries, and awakens in transformed...

Daily Word of Grace (December 18, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 199 (December 18, 2020) In his 2011 book Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar, insightfully and incisively writes: “We seem to be our own worst enemies, and we forget or deny things that are...

Daily Word of Grace (December 17, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace #198 (December 17, 2020) One of my favorite poets is John Donne (1572-1631) who is not only one of England’s greatest poets but was also a priest.  In his poem “A Hymn to God the Father” he writes about his need for God’s forgiveness: “Wilt thou...