Daily Word of Grace (July 15, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 87 (July 15, 2020) One of the most memorable songs of the 1980’s is “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel (from his 1986 album So).  In the 1989 film Say Anything “In Your Eyes” is playing on the boom box Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) is holding above his...

Daily Word of Grace (July 14, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 86 (July 14, 2020) One of the most brilliant poets in the English language is George Herbert (1593-1633), who was also an Anglican priest.  Among his best known poems is the moving “Love (3)”, a conversation between a sinner (like you and me) and...

Daily Word of Grace (July 13, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 85 (July 13, 2020) Recently one of the greatest movie soundtrack composers ever, the prolific Ennio Morricone, died.  His many films include the fabled 1960’s “spaghetti western trilogy”—A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965),...

Daily Word of Grace (July 10, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 84 (July 10, 2020) The only Christians who have never stumbled or fallen are either liars or sorely deluded.  In scripture we read, “For though the righteous fall seven times, they will rise again” (Proverbs 24:16).  In scripture the number seven...

Daily Word of Grace (July 9, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 83 (July 9, 2020) One of my heroes, Martin Luther King Jr., preached a sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama on November 17, 1957 entitled “Loving Your Enemies”, a powerful sermon about Jesus’ command from the Sermon on...

Daily Word of Grace (July 8, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 82 (July 8, 2020) Some of the most powerful and evocative psalms are the shortest, including this gem: “O Lord, my heart is not lifted up, my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. ...

Daily Word of Grace (July 7, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 81 (July 7, 2020) As a little kid, and years later as a father of little kids, I enjoyed Dr. Seuss books, especially Green Eggs and Ham and Oh, the Places You’ll Go!.  One of my favorite quotes attributed to Dr. Seuss (also attributed to author...

Daily Word of Grace (July 6, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 80 (July 6, 2020) My all-time favorite science fiction film is the 1968 classic 2001: A Space Odyssey.  This film inspired the late David Bowie to write one of his signature hits, his 1969 song “Space Oddity”, which tells of a celebrity...

Daily Word of Grace (July 3, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 79 (July 3, 2020) One of the deepest needs we have is the need to belong.  Our entire lives we need to know we belong—not only where we belong and also more importantly, to whom we belong.  This goes from the infants’ need to belong to their...

Daily Word of Grace (July 2, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 78 (July 2, 2020) In Herman Melville’s 1851 magnum opus, Moby Dick, he describes the deranged Captain Ahab’s myopic focus on killing the famed white whale this way: “All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all...