Sound System Test This Sunday

Sound System Test This Sunday

Pardon Our Dust This Sunday Christ Church will be testing out some new speakers at the service this week. The installation is temporary. By this we mean ugly speaker stands, wires strung about, and things in the way.  This is not how the final installation will look....
Youth Choir Practice

Youth Choir Practice

The Christ Episcopal Children’s Choir will perform during the Youth service on May 22. I this photo, they’re practicing in the nursery. Youth Sunday will be a big day for the little ones. Following Church, they will have an end of the school year party...

Sermon: “You Will See His Face” (May 1, 2016)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “You Will See His Face” (Revelation 22:3-4) May 1, 2016 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In today’s lesson from Revelation John records a vision of heaven, the New Jerusalem, a city in which there is “no...

Sermon: “Fifth Sunday of Easter” April 24, 2016

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C Acts 11:1-18 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35 Psalm 148 April 24, 2016   The Rev. Dcn. Patricia Marks In the Name of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. + As I look around, I see that, many of you, like me are wearing crosses. I have three...
VBS Applications Now Online

VBS Applications Now Online

The Christ Episcopal Church Vacation Bible School is set for June 13-16. Sign up forms for children are now available to fill out on line. You can also print out a form and drop it off by the church office. There is no charge for this four day event. The deadline for...