Sermon: “Why Are You Weeping?” (April 5, 2015)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “Why Are You Weeping?” (John 20:15) Easter Sunday: April 5, 2015 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What a joy to celebrate Easter with you all this morning! In John’s account of the resurrection of Jesus he...

Sermon: “The Final Word” (April 3, 2015)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “The Final Word” (John 19:30) Good Friday: April 3, 2015 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The last words people speak often reveal their character—and more importantly, their heart. With that in mind, here...

Sermon: “A Different Kind of King” (March 29, 2015)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “A Different Kind of King” (Mark 15:12-14) Palm Sunday: March 29, 2015 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While walking home from school one crisp spring afternoon in third grade a glint from something lying...

Sermon: “A New Covenant” (March 22, 2015)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “A New Covenant” (Jeremiah 31:31-34) March 22, 2015 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. On summer nights when I was a boy there was a group of us kids from our neighborhood that would play outside every...

Sermon: “Comfortable Words” (March 15, 2015)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “Comfortable Words” (John 3:16) March 15, 2015 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Growing up in Northern Virginia, I was a diehard fan of the NFL’s Washington Redskins—I still am—and part of every Sunday...