Covered Walkway Construction Has Started

Construction on the covered walkway between the parish hall and the new building has started, and as a result the covered porch and steps outside the parish hall have been removed. The double-door exit/entrance in the parish hall has been blocked from the inside to...

2012 VBS photographs online

Check out our Vacation Bible School page for a link to an online album with photographs from this year’s VBS:

Kim Dudley, Our New Church Administrator

Dear Christ Church Family, We believe we are very fortunate to have found a replacement for Molly so quickly. Kim Dudley is already on the job as our church administrator. She recently moved here from Barnwell, SC where she was a secretary at Barnwell Presbyterian...

Receive Daily Updates From Our 2012 DR Mission Team

Interested in keeping up with the daily activities of our 2012 mission team in the Dominican Republic? We leave on June 16th and return on June 23rd. Several ways to keep informed on our progress are on this page: