Daily Word of Grace (March 24, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace: March 24, 2020 Several years ago I had the privilege of visiting the home of William Shakespeare in England.  As you know, in addition to writing classic plays he also wrote many sonnets, brief and beautiful love poems, including Sonnet 116: Let...

Daily Word of Grace (March 23, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace: March 23, 2020 Fifty years ago Simon and Garfunkel released their fifth and final studio album, Bridge over Troubled Water, one of my all-time favorites.  The title (and opening) track is soaked with gospel, especially for those overwhelmed by...

Sermon: “This is the One” (March 22, 2020)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “This is the One” (1 Samuel 16:4-13) March 22, 2020 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is a special place in God’s heart for the rejected.  This is good news because so many people, perhaps including...

Daily Word of Grace (March 20, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace #4 (March 20, 2020) On his 1990 album The End of the Innocence Don Henley sings the following in the moving song called “The Heart of the Matter: “ “I’ve been trying to get down to the heart of the matter, but everything changes and my friends seem...

Daily Word of Grace (March 19, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 3 (March 19, 2020) In the gripping 2005 film Batman Begins, the first of the Dark Knight Trilogy, Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) is completing his training with the League of Shadows.  All he has to do is execute a felon guilty of capital offenses...

Daily Word of Grace (March 18, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace: March 18, 2020 In the critically acclaimed (for real) television sitcom The Office Steve Carrell played Michael Scott, the hilarious and neurotic regional manager in the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.  One of his best lines ever was this gem,...

Daily Word of Grace

Good afternoon.  As you know, these are very challenging times right now.  It feels like we are all in an episode of The Twilight Zone—I keep waiting for the camera to pan to Rod Serling with his skinny tie and cigarette and witty episode introduction, but alas, this...

Sermon: “This Grace in Which We Stand” (March 15, 2020)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “This Grace in Which We Stand” (Romans 5:1-11) March 21, 2020 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What a wild couple weeks…the coronavirus has quickly and radically altered the current way we do things, even...

Sermon: “God So Loved the World” (March 8, 2020)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “God So Loved the World” (John 3:16-17) March 8, 2020 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Today’s gospel passage is one of the high water marks of the whole Bible, a passage that states with absolute clarity...