Sermon: “The One Thing, The Only Thing” (April 5, 2020)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “The One Thing, the Only Thing” (Psalm 31:5, 15) Palm Sunday: April 5, 2020 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In what may be the most famous opening sentence of any classic novel, Charles Dickens wrote: It...

Daily Word of Grace (April 3, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace #14: April 3, 2020 Every several years I reread J. R. R. Tolkien’s masterpiece fantasy trilogy The Lord of the Rings, and each time I enjoy it even more.  One of my favorite characters is Aragorn (also known as Strider), the ranger who is...

Daily Word of Grace (April 2, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace #13: April 2, 2020 In England during World War II, without doubt one of the most challenging and stressful times in the history of that nation, Nobel Laureate T. S. Eliot wrote four poems of hope called “Four Quartets.”  The last of...

Daily Word of Grace (April 1, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace #12: April 1, 2020 As a kid I loved April Fools Day.  All day long my friends and I would trick and prank each other, each time followed by an annoyingly loud, “April Fools!”  The Beatles’ 1967 album Magical Mystery Tour has an...

Daily Word of Grace (March 31, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace #11: March 31, 2020 One of my favorite preachers is the brilliant and anointed T. D. Jakes. Many years ago I was watching him preach and he said something I have never forgotten, “If you live long enough, at some point life will shut your...

Daily Word of Grace (March 30, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace #10: March 30, 2020 On a rainy October afternoon in 1977 my dad took me to see the first Star Wars film: Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope, and I’ll never forget that.  And yes, I can remember vividly seeing each of the subsequent eight films...

Sermon: “God Gives Life to the Dead” (March 29, 2020)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “God Gives Life to the Dead” (Ezekiel 37:1-14) March 29, 2020 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Last summer I had the privilege of visiting Paris with my daughter Becky—without question one of the best...

Daily Word of Grace (March 27, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace # 9 (March 27, 2020) Psalm 46 is a powerful psalm that connects exactly with where we are today as we all find ourselves coping with a situation none of us saw coming, as we all continue to navigate uncharted territory, because Psalm 46 is all...

Daily Word of Grace (March 26, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace: March 26, 2020 The moving 2017 film Wonder portrays the true story of Auggie Pullman, a young boy suffering from Treacher Collins Syndrome, which means his facial bones never formed properly.  In spite of enduring many surgeries Auggie’s...

Daily Word of Grace (March 25, 2020)

Daily Word of Grace: March 25, 2020 One of my favorite rock artists ever is the late great Tom Petty, whom I had the privilege of once seeing live in an Atlanta concert with a few of my kids and my awesome friend Mike Tanner. The second track on his 2006 album Highway...