Sermon: “The God of All Mercy” February 10, 2016

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “The God of All Mercy” (Psalm 51:1) Ash Wednesday: February 10, 2016 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Every year on Ash Wednesday we are reminded of our mortality.  Ashes are literally imposed individually...

Sermon: February 7, 2016

SERMON   Feb. 7, 2016   Last Sunday After Epiphany By Rev. Dec. Patricia Marks Exodus 34:29-35  2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2  Luke 9:28-36  Psalm 99 In the name of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. + As many of you know, I love adventure travelling, especially to cold, icy...

Sermon: “God’s Love Never Ends” (January 31, 2016)

Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta “God’s Love Never Ends” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) January 31, 2016 Dave Johnson In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Today’s reading about love from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians is one of the most beloved passages...
Mark the Date – Christ Church Women’s Cruise

Mark the Date – Christ Church Women’s Cruise

There’s nothing that Father Dave’s wife, Stephanie Johnson, likes more than creating adventures for the women of Christ Church.  Her latest? An October cruise from Tampa to Grand Cayman and Cozumel. The dates are October 15-20, 2016.  She and Frances...
The Nursery Grows Up

The Nursery Grows Up

  The Christ Church nursery has grown into a new space.  The former multipurpose room for adults has been remodeled into a warm and welcoming room for our youngest members. Averaging 12 children per Sunday, the former two rooms were too crowded. In addition, our...
Bishop Lays Hands on Twenty-One

Bishop Lays Hands on Twenty-One

Twenty-One people were either confirmed, received or reaffirmed at Christ Church during Bishop Benhase’s visit on January 10th.  There was a full house to greet them into the church as overflow parking spilled into Father Dave’s backyard and ushers were...